Change Management


In the 21st Century CHANGE has become a fact of life. The speed of change can be breath-taking at times, if not frightening to some.

Businesses and Organisations need to be willing to change if they are to succeed. Standing still is in reality the first step backwards in today’s world.

IMC&T Ltd offer the following service:

  • Consultation on the Change Process
  • Assistance in Managing the Change
Change involves and affects personnel throughout the organisation, from top to bottom and back again.

When the need to CHANGE arises most senior executives conventionally place their focus on the ‘Bottom Line’ – they concentrate on strategic and tactical plans. Sadly the ‘Human Aspects’ of the change are not always considered.

Without buy-in from the people within the organisation then any degree of change will be at best difficult.

It is an accepted fact that any long-term transformation (Change) has a number of key characteristics.

Our Values


We believe INTEGRITY to be at the heart of our actions

Customer Centric

We place the CUSTOMER at the forefront of our thoughts and actions


We hold HONESTY to be an integral aspect of our working relationships


We believe QUALITY to be essential aspect of our work


We believe that RESPECT for each other will provide the guide to decisions


We are COMMITED to solutions that meet Customer expectations